Co-producing social policies with SSE actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion.
MedTOWN-Co-producing social policies with SSE actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion, a project focused on the combined potential of agents of the social and solidarity economy (SSE), citizenship, and local authorities to co-produce social policies intended to fight poverty, inequality, social exclusion, and environmental unsustainability in the countries of the Mediterranean basin.
TCSE is the Tunisian partner of the MedTOWN project, which is funded by ENI CBC MED, with a total budget of 3.4 million Euros, implemented across 6 countries: Spain, Greece, Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia, and Portugal.
The four-year long project, starting from 2019 and ending in 2023, aims to provide communities in Spain, Greece, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia with tools and connections to help them build local resilience and foster their transition towards becoming more fair, resilient, and sustainable societies within the Euro-Mediterranean region.
MedTOWN is based on Action Research to support the design of effective public policies on the provision of social services. To that effect a series of experimental actions deploying a co-production model is undertaken and serves both as effective modalities to increase the effectiveness of social services delivery during the project and as test-monitoring of results for policy design.
SSE Cluster Inauguration: On Friday, November 24, 2023, the Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE) and the Municipality of Tunis organized the SSE Day in La Medina of Tunis, to inaugurate the social and solidarity economy Cluster (SSE Cluster). Launched within the framework of the MedTOWN project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med program, and the "Dignifying the Working Conditions of the Domestic Sector - Phase II" project, and funded by Generalitat Valenciana.