New Year's Replicable Pass: Capitalize on Previous Achievements for Higher Impact

"How to perform better?", a challenge faced by most corporates at the beginning of each new year.


National Workshop, MedTOWN Project

On November, 2022, the Medina of Tunis hosted the National Workshop. Throughout four days of trainings and workshops, public and civil Society actors, as well as social entrepreneurs came together to deepen their knowledge about social and public policies, in addition to exploring co-production.

TCSE joins the Possibilists: Global Alliance of the World’s Largest Youth Social Innovation Communities

TCSE is glad to announce that it is now listed as one of the partners of the Possibilists global network!

What is the Possibilists?

Initiated by ChangemakerXchange, The Possibilists is a global alliance of the world’s largest youth social innovation communities and a growing network of nearly 50 local youth organisations. Collectively, The Possibilists network partners reach hundreds of thousands of young changemakers, activists and social entrepreneurs. Through a bi-annual study, The Possibilists delivers scientific insights into their lives, work and needs. Building on the data we then co-create systemic solutions to ultimately improve the conditions for young people driving positive change everywhere.




Lingare Festival 2e Edition | Galerie Photos

Station Cocréation à Dar ben Achour

Station Gamification à Collectif Créatif


MedRiSSE Project: Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Bootcamp

Within the framework of the MedRiSSE project, co-funded by the European Union, under the ENI CBC Med programme, the TCSE-Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship organized the SSE Bootcamp, a series of 3 online webinars designed to support local actors in the social and solidarity economy (SSE), by sharing experiences and best practices based on previous projects and initiatives funded by the European Union, targeting the social and solidarity economy (SSE) ecosystem, such as the MedUP! , MedTOWN and the IESS projects.

The first webinar aimed to capitalize on the MedTOWN project, co-funded by the European Union, under the ENI CBC Med programme. The webinar shed the light on the coproduction approach as a means of strengthening collaborations between social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors. The webinar focused on MedTOWN's pilot project in the region of Mahdia and invited the involved actors such as the association PNL- Pensée Nationale Libre, the API Mahdia -Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation in Mahdia, and the association of CitESS Mahdia. The webinar has first introduced the MedRiSSE context and key concepts relative to capitalization on social innovation initiatives and the coproduction of social policies, followed by an introduction of each actor to the 30 attendants. During the second part of the webinar, each actor shared the key success factors as well as the challenges that they encounter as they collaborate to enhance social services.

The second day's webinar, themed "Alternative Tools for Social Innovation Education" capitalized on a an educational tool that was designed and developed within the context of the MedUP! project, aiming to support social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors in promoting social innovation and

The SSE Bootcamp was held on August 23-24-25, 2023 and covered the three themes:

The Co-production approach to strengthening collaboration between SSE players